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What is the result of the cube root of 125?

What is the result of the cube root of 125?

So we can say that 125 to the third power is equal to the cube root of 125. So the answer is going to be five.

How much is one fifth of 100%?

What is the cube root of 64?

For example, the cube root of 64, written as , is 4 because it is 64. It is also the length of one edge of a cube that has a volume of 64.

What is the cube root of 25?

And we can easily express this in Calc; therefore, the cube root of 25 would be 25^(1/3), since the caret ^ in a formula is the way to express a power.

How many times do you multiply 2 by itself to get 36?

Incorrect. The square root of 36 is the number you can multiply by itself to get 36. The square root is not the number you multiply by 2 to get 36. The correct answer is 6 because 6.

What number multiplied by 2 gives 144?

12 • (6 • 2) = 144 is rewritten as (12 • 6) • 2 = 144.

What number multiplied by itself three times equals 64?

The answer is 4: if we multiply 4 three times by itself (4 x 4 x 4), we will see that the result is 64. Therefore, 4 cubed equals 64 (and the cube root of 64 is 4).

What are the division parts called?

Dividend is the number to be divided. Divisor is the number that divides. Quotient is the result of division. The remainder is what is left over from the dividend, which could not be divided because it is less than the divisor.

What are the terms of splitting Wikipedia?

Given two natural numbers, the dividend, m, and the divisor, d, which must be greater than zero, we call the quotient, q, the largest of the numbers that multiplied by the divisor is less than or equal to the dividend. We call the remainder, r, the difference between the dividend and the product of the quotient and the divisor.

What are the rules for multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000?

The principle we discovered for 10, 100, and 1000 can be applied when one of the factors of a multiplication is a followed by another number of zeros (10,000; 100,000; 1,000,000, for example).